1. Are you making an application to Select Projects today? Your application goes straight to our experts. They are completely familiar with your field of expertise and are therefore perfectly able to assess your application.
2. Our expert does everything possible to reply in person within the working day. Then, or shortly afterwards, you will hear whether we would like to speak to you in person. You will also be required to carry out a number of personality tests before we can begin the personal discussion.
3. A first getting acquainted session can be conducted by telephone or videocall , but we generally like to welcome you to one of our offices to get to know you better.* During the discussion we talk about your experience and interests in order to match these with one of our vacancies.This may be followed by a second or third discussion.Of course, we handle the data that you provided with extreme care. Would you like to know more about how your data is handled? More information can be found in our working method and our privacy policy.
4. If there is a mutual click and we can achieve a win (you) win (client) win (Select Projects), we will happily discuss a collaboration proposal with you.
5. Welcome! After signing your contract you will start as project executive at Select Projects.
6. Together we will prepare you for your projects so that you know who you can turn to for what, as well as what to expect. You can also count on specialised coaches to support you with advice and assistance and join you in looking at your needs for further professional development.
7. New experiences and new products keep you nice and alert.
You can find out what happens to your data during the application process or coaching in our working method.
* Both Select Projects as well as the majority of our clients will conduct all application interviews by videocall or phone during the crisis surrounding the Coronavirus. That way we can guarantee a smooth application procedure as well as your and our safety.